Host and founder of The Combat Jack Show, Reggie Ossé, held his first TED talk in Brroklyn, New York at the tail end of January. His subject was the apparent lack of inclusion in a culture he was/is a part of. This explains it better:
"Reggie Ossé has been on the front lines of Hip Hop culture since it began. Growing up in NYC, eventually becoming an attorney for up-and-coming Rap stars (Jay-Z and Damon Dash to name a few), and now as the host of The Combat Jack Show podcast, Ossé didn't just witness Hip Hop's ascendency to popular culture, he also helped create it. But as the culture he knows and loves became assimilated into the mainstream, he could not help but feel pushed to the outside... influencing but not participating in an America in which he is an icon."
As a long time fan and listener of Combat's podcast, it's great hearing his perspective on this. I could easily have listened to another 30 minutes as it's such an interesting subject. Hopefully this is the first of many more talks from him. If you get a chance, please check out The Combat Jack Show.